Ten Favourite Links of 2024

Each week, I send out ten D&D related links to my newsletter subscribers. Following are ten of my favourite links from 2024.

  1. My compatriot, Merric, spent some time musing about the objective of published adventures. His first sentence contains a brilliant insight, and adventure writers should take note.

  2. Do you need help running urban and wilderness adventures? Davyd Barker suggests one solution is to run everything like a dungeon. It was the best D&D Beyond article I'd seen in years.

  3. Stephen Bandstra examined Warren Spector's 10 commandments of game design. They are terrific and will help anyone run a better campaign.

  4. Mike Shea flipped conventional wisdom on its head and argued that sometimes the Dungeon Master needs to "tell, don't show." Excellent, excellent advice.

  5. The Alexandrian suggested using rituals in your campaign. He doesn't mean magic rituals; he means ceremonies, such as getting knighted or initiated into a cult. Try it!

  6. Teos Abadia explained how to wrap up your campaign. It is full of excellent advice.

  7. Luke Gearing suggested replacing reaction rolls with a dynamic reputation table. It is an ingenious idea, which I now use.

  8. Elemental Reductions examined the power of names. It is a terrific world-building article with a few tips I hadn't seen before.

  9. Monsters and Manuals showed how the planet Mercury can inspire a fantasy campaign. This brief article is a masterclass in worldbuilding.

  10. Finally, a group of castle enthusiasts shared the floorplans of dozens of castles. It is a fantastic resource for your campaign!


2024 in Books


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